Key Details:

  • When? 25 – 28 June 2024.
  • Where? University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland.
  • Who? A list of invited speakers can be found below.
  • Why? To support emerging talent and build bridges between Geometric Measure Theory, Dynamical Systems, and Probability Theory.
  • How much? Registration is 100€ (full)/ 50€ (reduced). Some limited support for early career mathematicians is available.
  • Deadlines: The deadline for general registration was 31 May. Please see the registration page for late registration information.

Invited Speakers:


Welcome to the homepage of the Geometry and Fractals under the Midnight Sun Conference hosted at the University of Oulu. The main theme of the conference is to bridge the subjects of Geometric Measure Theory, Dynamical Systems, and Probability Theory. Our hope is to encourage deeper interactions while supporting emerging talent. The conference is scheduled from 25th (morning) to 28th (early afternoon) June 2024 at the University of Oulu in Oulu, Finland. Oulu is located 170km south of the Arctic circle with the timing chosen to offer a unique experience of (almost) endless days, just a few days after midsummer.

We are happy to showcase a diverse and prominent group of invited speakers, while offering some further contributed talk slots as well as lightning talks to participants. The conference registration fee is set at 100€ for full participants and 50€ for those eligible for a reduced rate. The costs cover catering during the breaks. The conference dinner will be held at a local restaurant in Oulu. We offer limited financial support for early career mathematicians, mostly in the form of shared accommodation.

The general registration deadline is 31 May, while the deadline for financial support applications is 31 March.

We are looking forward to welcoming you in Oulu this summer.


Funding Information

The conference is funded in part by the Mathematics Fund of the The Finnish Academy of Science and Letters and Sascha Troscheit’s Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship “Dimension and Dynamics”.

Scam Warning

As you are probably aware, there are many companies preying on conference attendees, offering to book accommodation for them. If we have offered accommodation to you as an invited speaker or early career mathematician, the organisers will be in touch with you directly. At no point are we engaging an external company to deal with bookings, nor will you be asked to arrange for payment in advance.

If you are not offered accommodation by us, we recommend that you book directly with one of the hotels mentioned on the Practical Information page.